NG-NL, February 13, 2015 - Amsterdam

Going global

with AngularJS applications

NG-NL, February 13, 2015 - Amsterdam

Pawel Kozlowski / @pkozlowski_os

I'm Pawel

I'm into climbing and open-source

GH: pkozlowski-opensource / @pkozlowski_os

What does it mean to go global?

i18n / i10n

Internationalization (i18n) is the process of designing a software application so that it can potentially be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes.”
Localization (i10n) is the process of adapting internationalized software for a specific region or language by adding locale-specific components and translating text.”


there is some stuff in the core...

Locale-specific data

Date and number formats, names of days, months etc.

Locale-specific data usage

<script src="lib/js/angular-locale_nl-nl.js"></script>
    angular.module('app', ['ngLocale'])

Formatting dates

{{now | date:'fullDate'}}
{{now | date:'fullDate'}}

Formatting numbers

{{1213123.2454 | number}}
{{1213123.2454 | number}}

Formatting currency

{{1213123.2454 | currency}}
{{1213123.2454 | currency}}

Insanity warning!


<ng-pluralize count="personCount"
    when="{'0': 'Nobody is viewing.',
           'one': '1 person is viewing.',
           'other': '{} people are viewing.'}">


the community needs to work out several pieces

mainly translations...

"Run-time" translations

with angular-translate or similar

<h1>{{ 'TITLE' | translate }}</h1>

<h1 translate="TITLE"></h1>

<h1>{{:: 'TITLE' | translate }}</h1>

"Build-time" translations


Let's imagine a better World together!

There are few problems to solve

  • Build-time solutions are cumbersome to setup and operate
  • Run-time solutions suffer from some perf-problems
  • It's a lot of work!

I18n add tons of work

especially if done as the afterthought

<h1>Some title</h1>

<h1>{{ 'TITLE' | translate }}</h1>
  • Extracting and naming messages to translate
  • Modifying templates
  • Sending things over to translation
  • Converting translated messages to the app's format

There is ongoing work

in 1.4/2.0 time-frame

Let's be (very) lazy!

<h1>{{ 'TITLE' | translate }}</h1>

<h1 i18n>Some tilte</h1>

<h1>Some tilte</h1>


<h1 i18n>Some tilte</h1>
  • Easy to introduce translations later
  • No thinking about message names!
  • Meaningful previews
  • More context for translators

Let's be nice to translators

<h1 i18n="This is document's title">
    Some title

Not only syntax

but rather the entire process!

Let's do it together, please!

  • Things a cooking in the angular/i18n repo
  • You can read more in the design docs
  • All the previous meetings were recorded
  • There is enough work for everyone (and more)
  • We are inclusive and happy to chat!

More details to come

Dat is alles!

Thnx for having me!

Q & A

Slides available at:

Pawel Kozlowski / @pkozlowski_os